
Signs of Jonah: Reading and Rereading in Ancient Yehud is unavailable, but you can change that!

Signs of Jonah emphasizes how the book of Jonah was received by its readers, and how it can help understanding of the culture and society of the time. Zvi focuses on how the audience would have read it, and even how they would have reread it, since books and stories are repeated and pondered time after time. He zeros in on indications throughout the text for how the text would have been read by...

theme associated with them. Further, it is not designed to be a comprehensive analysis of the book of Jonah. Rather here is a collection of ‘explorations’ on the book of Jonah carried out within the approach described above. The goal is to show through examples how this methodological approach sheds light on the study of the book of Jonah, and on the historical communities within which and for which the book was written. Most of these explorations were first presented as papers at scholarly conferences
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